Dental Fillings Christchurch

At our independent dental practice, we offer a range of fillings to suit all needs.

Dental Fillings Christchurch

About this service

At our independent dental practice, we offer a range of fillings to suit all needs.

Composite Fillings

The most widely used filling material today, due to its ability to blend in with your natural teeth. When cared for, these fillings can last for long periods of time, whether placed on your front, or back teeth. We use a high-quality brand of composite filling material to ensure you get the best looking results, that last for the longest period of time. 

Glass Ionomer Fillings

 This filling material has two key uses.

 It can be used around the gum-line to help fight against recurring decay. It does this by slowly releasing a fluoride. They can also be used as a temporary filling material. Often used in between root canal appointments, or emergency dental care to help protect the tooth until further treatment can be done.

Fissure Sealants

Often placed in children and teenagers, fissure sealants protect against the first signs of decay or to help stop it progressing further.

Fissure sealants are placed within the natural grooves of the chewing surface of the tooth. A tooth-coloured material is used to keep your smile looking natural and healthy.

Amalgam Fillings

 While becoming less commonly used, we still offer amalgam fillings for existing amalgam treated teeth. As composite (white filling material) does not bond well to existing amalgam material, it may be best to restore a broken amalgam tooth with amalgam. Our dentists will discuss the best options for you and your teeth so you can be confident in the treatment you have done. 

Replacing amalgam (silver) fillings

 Replacing amalgam fillings is one of many aspects of cosmetic dentistry. Wanting to go from silver to white and return your confidence in your smile? Talk to our experienced dentists about your options for replacing old amalgam fillings with composite (white) filling material, porcelain crowns, or veneers.